Monday, December 27, 2010

화려한역사 (華麗的人類史 ; History Revisited )

My sister had a performance at the Raffles Hotel last Tuesday, and hence I got the chance to enter their auditorium, the Jubilee Hall. Like the hotel itself, this hall is built as a Western construction highlighted with Asian details; the cross-cultural sentiment is a good entry in the textbooks for history, art, or architecture class. Meanwhile, the cross cultural motif can also be approached from its Western colonial origin.
上周二去萊佛士酒店觀賞姊姊社團的公演,場地在Jubilee Hall(有夠英國的命名啊),和該旅館整體建築一樣,有著中西合璧的風格,堪做歷史、美術史、甚至建築史教科書的範例。這種中西合璧的主題若從另一個角度來看便不全然光彩,畢竟這種文化融合的場景往往發生在血淋淋的西方殖民活動之下。

Along the Singapore river, I was once taking a walk with my colleague, MH, who majored in hotel management and has done internship in a 5 star hotel in Singapore. Overlooking those luxury hotels, she sighed, "Look at them, splendid outside, but dreadfully dark inside. Besides the management level, every worker is treated undesirably." In this highly modernized, Westernized cosmopolis, at the scene of Indian doormen or Malay security guards or Filipino waitresses or Chinese cleaners (or the smiles on their Caucasian masters' faces), I feel like stepping into few centuries back, when the West and the East met, the East India Companies prospered with slave trade and etc, and then I couldn't help but wonder, had history really evolved?
Raffles Hotel - A Taste of Historical Fusion

Thursday, December 23, 2010

那一天 ( 그날 )

We horribly fought on the night of 22nd Dec 2009, and the next day, 23rd Dec, after coming back from tuition, I saw this on our wall. They then became the place where we harbor dreams; it could be a gift that we get for each other which the other party has wanted for long, or a love letter that carries endless affection.  


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Don't Buy Me Christmas Gift Sets

Crabtree & Evelyn @ Raffles City
Now, Singaporeans are even queuing for shopping. By queuing here I do not mean queuing for paying, but for entering the store, ah-ha. Piles of identical Christmas-ly gift sets scattering around the store, sometimes even grouped according to price range, and I begin to wonder why people buy Christmas gift sets. I mean, why would you ever want to officially make the receiver realize that you are not all that sincere?

Royce @ Ion Orchard (source)
在新加坡不論何時何地你都可以發現你在排隊(當然,你還會被插隊XD),而最近連一般商店都有LV的派頭,可以看到人龍排隊等著進門選購聖誕禮盒。那些包裝得一模一樣的聖誕禮盒從門內堆到門外,有些商家(例如the Body Shop)還依照價格將禮盒分門別類。送禮自然是看心意,不是看價錢,所以我老覺得,如果送禮送到這份兒上,挑現成禮盒、照價錢選購,還不如不要送,反正收的人也知道你沒多大誠意。

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Because They Believe So

So 23:59 and 24:00, as well as 05:59 and 06:00, make difference.

p.s. I have created a tag under "The Lego Mystery", for those inexplicable experiences taking place in this Lego City, Singapore. Some time later I might explain why I call it the Lego City.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010



今天上班時發現車站的遮陽棚被拆了,曝曬在赤裸裸烈日下的我只能不斷洗腦自己,"我有戴太陽眼鏡,烈日對我一點都沒有影響,沒有影響......個頭!" 在這種汗如雨下的份兒上,誰還能保持美麗的妝容儀容? 也難怪我的化妝時間不自覺從1小時縮短到10分鐘,開始這個算了那個也省了,反正等會流了汗一下就掉光光。想想,難怪很多人覺得韓國女人美麗,先天的地理氣候條件似乎就注定他們天生的白嫩肌膚、輕易維持的完美妝容、保障他們穿著高跟鞋短裙在街上優雅往來的權力。

同樣的,添購衣物鞋包的欲望也大大降低。天氣熱,衣著變化自然就少,包包不捨得買真皮的,容易發霉,多雨炎熱的天氣也不適合穿著精緻的鞋子趴趴走。而這恐怕不是我個人意見,依據我觀察長住本地的韓日族群,他們被同化的也不少,平底鞋、寬大簡單的mix match、頂多框個粗粗的眼線、當媽的甚至還會素顏,要知道我在韓國可沒看過幾個素顏上街的女人啊。

話說,瀏海留慣了,現在不留一下子看起來老了5歲,可這種天氣我還怎麼留瀏海? 許先生曾說,"真正的潮人才不會受氣候影響打扮。" 他明天就要從零下幾度的首爾來新加坡了,我看他怎麼實行自己說的東西,啊哈哈(其實他上次來,就已經很堅持在大太陽下還要圍他的羊毛圍巾)。

Dec 2010 in Singapore
Dec. 2009 in Seoul

Friday, December 10, 2010






Where are we from? 5 girls of 5 different places. It doesn't matter.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Laundry Shop's Multi-culturalism

There are a hundred negative things I can say about Singaporeans, somehow one thing I admire them a lot is their multi-culturalism (multi-racialism), which can be seen as easily as from a laundry shop.

我可以舉出上百個我不喜歡新加坡的理由,但他們的多元種族環境是我相當欽仰的一點。從一間洗衣店可以提供的服務就可得知,涵括馬來衣( Naju Kurong / Kebaya )、印度衣( Punjabi )、以及沙厘( Saree )。被如此環境耳濡目染的人們,種族意識自然就不像單一民族社會一樣愛大驚小怪(有嗅出我在暗示誰嗎XD)。

Fika @ FIKA

Fika is one the the very first Swedish words I learned, and it is also deemed as a key word to knowing Swedish culture. You might use the concept of "coffee break" or "tea time" to understand fika, but somehow fika is still slightly different from these 2 words as it usually refers to moments spent with people, not on your own.

So this so called Swedish restaurant is named FIKA, serving a variety of Swedish courses, desserts, and beverages. As I am not a big fan of Swedish dishes (they taste either too raw or too salty for me), I only tried their fika set (tea set), and as fika can go on any time of the day, not necessarily in the afternoon, the fika set is served throughout the day, pricing at SGD 9.9+.

And so here I was, enjoying a wonderful afternoon. I tried the Strawberry Daiquiry Cake and Chocolate Caramel Mousse Cake with 2 Swedish fruit tea and black tea. I did not try their coffee as I realized the brand they are using is not Swedish brands like Gevalia or  Löfbergs Lila but Lavazza (I love Lavazza but it's just not what I am here for!?).
fika cafe : No. 257 Beach Rd (5 min walk from Bugis stn); Tel. 63969096

Friday, December 3, 2010

Korean Egg - Symbol of A Higher Civilization (韓國的雞蛋比較圓)

Not just melo dramas and super Hallyu stars on the screen, from cosmetics stores to accessories shops, to citizens of this mini island, those things of Korean origin represent symbols that you can look up to. And this time, it's Korean Egg!!! Can anyone tell me what's next?
