Sunday, November 7, 2010

Rightful Voyeurism (合法意淫)

Local guys appreciating
SNSD's dancing
Unanimously, electrical retailers island wide love to repeatedly play Girls' Generation's Oh! and Gee, and once in a while Goto Maki's Some Boys! Touch, on their LCD products. I strongly recommend that you click on the songs' links to view these MVs. I guess the stores understand that nothing can be more eye catching than young hotties in their shorts shortest ever shaking boobs and butts.

Hey you know Singapore is still Asia, nothing wrong about women being eyed by men. But there's still some discretion; at least they don't produce, they just consume. It's Korea that produces and performs. For those gender-sensitive readers, I know you get what I mean.

最近經過這裡的家電部門,一排排電視連續又重複播放的老是Girls' Generation的Oh!Gee,有時是後藤真希的Some Boys! Touch (拜託,這已經是4年多前的老歌了耶)。大概他們也知道,貝齒美目的少女們穿著短得不能再短的褲子扭腰擺臀,還有比這回頭率更高的嗎。新加坡畢竟是亞洲,女人給男人看,沒什麼不對。不過此間還是有點差別,新加坡只算個消費者,製造商可是韓國啊。對性別議題敏感的人,知道我什麼意思吧(眨)。